Make The Most Of Your Instagram Link

Instagram only gives you one clickable link. Make the most of it!

You can transform the link in your bio into multiple links using a landing page. To do this, you can either go through a third party app (check out, and or you can build a page natively on your website like I did!

Social media expert suggests using third party app or creating your own landing page to make the most of your Instagram link.

Building Your Own Landing Page

I decided to move my links to my own landing page after there was a glitch with Instagram and a third party service provider. My account suffered an outage. It was the kick in the butt I needed to develop my own landing page. Now I populate my Instagram landing page with tickets to my upcoming workshops, favourite blog posts, and freebies for my audience.

How Are You Using Your Instagram Link?

Apps can be more simple to get started with but having your own link on your own website gives you ultimate control. Where does the link in your bio go to?